Race regulations
1.) The participation in Hriňovská stovka race is possible only for persons with minimal age of 18 years (age 18 years reached at least 1 day before the date of the start).
2.) Registration has been completed only via the Hriňovská stovka registration form, the full start fee was paid based on the instruction sent by Hriňovská stovka organizers to the e-mail address provided during the enrollment and the person is listed in the start list on the Hriňovská stovka website with status of completed registration. There is no possibility to register at the start place or during the check-in.
3.) The start fee for Hriňovská stovka 2023 is 56 EUR for one participant. After the Registration form has been submitted, participant will receive an e-mail containing the registration number and the information about start fee payment. The start fee payment must be done as bank transfer to the Hriňovská stovka bank account in EUR currency and within the time limit for start fee payment. Cash payments and payments in other currency are not accepted.
The time limit for start fee payment is 7 working days since the date when e-mail containing the registration number and the information about start fee payment has been sent to the participant (not since the date you have opened the e-mail). In case the start fee payment will be not received also within the deadline set in the reminder, the registration will be cancelled without further warning and the person will be not allowed to register for the same race edition again.
The start fee can not be transferred to another participant (start fee can not be sold to another person, start fee can not be bought from an enrolled participant). In case of disobedience to this rule the person will loose the possibility to participate in Hriňovská stovka. The start fee can not be transferred to another Hriňovská stovka edition.
4.) Discounts based on ITRA Performance Index (category GENERAL):
Men with 700 and more points: discount 50%
Men with 800 and more points: discount 100%
Women with 550 and more points: discount 50%
Women with 650 and more points: discount 100%
Discounts are applicable only for the basic start fee (56 EUR). In case you are eligible for the discount based on the ITRA Performance Index (General), please check the respective checkbox in the registration form.
5.) In case the participant would like to cancel your participation, it is necessary to send e-mail to hrinovska100@gmail.com (participation cancellation announced verbally or via phone call or via social network is not accepted). If the start fee was already payed, this will be returned to the participant excluding the cancellation fee of 16 EUR (cancellation fee will be subtracted from the start fee) only in case, that the information about participation cancellation was announced via e-mail to hrinovska100@gmail.com before 31. August 2023 20.00 CET (bank account number information in IBAN form required).
6.) The Hriňovská stovka organizers reserve the right to reject a registration.
7.) Participants take part in the Hriňovská stovka race at their own risk. The organizers take no responsibility for the possible harm or damage should any happen to the participants or should be any caused by them.
8.) The Hriňovská stovka race organizers recommend the participants to effect an suitable insurance for the date of the Hriňovská stovka event.
9.) The Hriňovská stovka race organizers strongly recommend all participants to complete an individual medical examination before the Hriňovská stovka race.
10.) The maximal number of participants is 222. After the limit for the number of 222 registered participants will be reached, the registration to the waiting list will be open.
11.) Participant has to check-in in Hriňová before start (either on Friday evening or on Saturday morning), pick up the control sheet and the race bib (eventually receive instruction). The condition of participation is to submit an filled-in and signed Informed consent (Participiant’s declaration) document valid for Hriňovská stovka 2023 during the presence (check-in) in Hriňová.
Men 50+ (age category - participants with age 50 years and more)
Women 50+ (age category - participants with age 50 years and more)
1.) Each participant of Hriňovská stovka race must have all items of mandatory equipment with him/her during the race duration (from start to finish or participation withdrawal in other course place). In case of missing mandatory equipment the participant will be not allowed to start. In case of missing mandatory equipment items found during the race (see the pt. IV. 7.) the participant will be disqualified.
2.) The mandatory equipment contains:
- Isothermal blanket
- Forehead lamp with new batteries / 100% charged
- Mobile phone (turned on) with the SIM card which phone number was in the enrollment form
- GPS device / GPS watch / mobile phone (if a mobile phone is used for navigation, power bank is mandatory) with recorded Hriňovská stovka course (GPX)
- Streak reflective vest/streak reflex
- Bottle(s) or a hydration pack with resorvoir with capacity at least 1,5 L (at least 0,5 L water at the start place)
- Own cup, tumbler or flask with wide mouth 1,5 dl minimum (flasks with narrow mouth or bottle lid are not accepted)
- Identity card
- Race bib placed visibly on the front body side during the whole race duration (it will be provided by the race organizers)
(recommended equipment: Face mask or respirator)
3.) The mandatory equipment check can be done either before start or at any place of the course by organizer or authorized volunteer.
1.) The check-in (presence) takes place on Friday 8. September 2023 evening in Hriňová in the Elementary school area (Školská street) between 18.00 and 22.30 CET. On Saturday 9. September 2023 morning in the check-in (presence) will take place in the same area between 04.45. and 05.40 CET. It is not possible to let another person to collect your race bib.
2.) During the check-in it is possible to leave your baggage at the check-in place, which will be stored in the elementary school building during the race. The baggage must have a label with the start number, name and surname of the participant. On Saturday the dropbags for K4 Kokava aid stations will be collected at the check-in place. Dropbag must have a label with start number of the participant.
3.) The participants start together (if no change announced by race organizer) from the Podpolianske námestie square in Hriňová on Saturday 9. September 2023 at 06.00 CET.
4.) The time limit for arrival to finish in Hriňová is 29 hours since start, this means until 10. September 2023 until 11.00 CET.
5.) The Hriňovská stovka course is exactly set, participant has to keep the defined course.
6.) Carrying of participant’s equipment by any other person is strictly prohibited.
7.) Support or assistance for the participant (e.g. by family members, friends…) can be provided only at the staffed checkpoints.
8.) No pacers or accompanying runners (persons not registered for the race) are allowed (exception from this rule are persons accompanying a visually impaired runner with race organizer's approval).
9.) In the interest of protection of participant’s health – in case of health problem which could cause danger to participant’s safety, health or life the present medics are authorized to take a decision on participation withdrawal due to health reasons (or on discontinuance for necessary time). In such case the participant is obliged to conform to this decision.
10.) Should the participant decide to quit before he can get to the nearest checkpoint, he is obliged to call and inform the organizers, or to send a SMS message (in case of missing signal as soon as possible). Organizer’s phone number(s) will be available in the control sheet.
11.) Hriňovská stovka participant is obliged to provide help to other participant in emergency case.
12.) In case the participant would discover any situation, which could cause danger to Hriňovská stovka participants safety, health or life during the course, the participant is obliged to inform the race organizers immediately.
13.) The organizers reserve the right to change the course, time limits of the checkpoints and event programme or to cancel the event (especially for participants safety reason).
1.) There are staffed (“live”) checkpoints (staffed with Hriňovská stovka organizers or authorized volunteers), which position is announced to the participants in the Course section on this website and in the control sheets, which will be provided to the participants during check-in. On top of this there are staffed (“live”) checkpoints (staffed with Hriňovská stovka organizers or authorized volunteers), which position will be not announced to the participants prior to the race.
2.) At each staffed (“live”) checkpoint the participant will receive a punches control mark to the control sheet and the arrival time will be recorded to the electronic timekeeping system (volunteer via application) and also manually. Therefore the participant goes to the checkpoint staff desk (control) immediately after he/she came to the checkpoint (not when leaving the checkpoint or after taking refreshment break). The organizers or authorized volunteers have also right to check the punches control marks from the previous checkpoints.
3.) The total time limit for completing the Hriňovská stovka course is 29 hours. Further there are time limits for the staffed checkpoints (read this section of the website for more information). In case the participant will arrive after the time limit for the checkpoint, he will be not allowed to continue in the race (but he will be allowed to continue out of the event).
4.) Participant, who will go through all the checkpoints with keeping it’s time limits and will arrive to the finish place within the overall time limit, will receive a certificate of Hriňovská stovka completion.
5.) In case of missing checkpoint record the penalisation / disqualification will be decided by race organizer. In case of disqualification the participant is not eligible for any start fee (or part of start fee) reimbursement.
6.) Intended shortening of the course, using an vehicle and any other kind of cheating will result in disqualification (DSQ) and banishment from all future Hriňovská stovka editions. In case of disqualification the participant is not eligible for any start fee (or part of start fee) reimbursement.
7. Running with a pacer(s) or accompanying runner(s) (person(s) not registered for the race) is not allowed and will result into disqualification (DSQ). Exception from this rule are persons accompanying a visually impaired runner with race organizer's approval. In case of disqualification the participant is not eligible for any start fee (or part of start fee) reimbursement.
8.) Refusing help to other participant in case of emergency, verbal insulting or menacing action to the organizers, volunteers or other participants (including physical insulting), refusing the mandatory equipment check (before the start or during the race) result in disqualification (DSQ). This rule is valid not only for the duration of the race between start and reaching the finish, but also for the check-in (race bib collect) and for the finish. In case of disqualification the participant is not eligible for any start fee (or part of start fee) reimbursement.
9.) Missing mandatory equipment items (forehead lamp, mobile phone, isothermal blanket, bottle(s) or a hydration pack with reservoir with capacity at least 1,5 L) results in disqualification (DSQ). In case of disqualification the participant is not eligible for any start fee (or part of start fee) reimbursement.
10.) Missing own cup, tumbler or flask with wide mouth 1,5 dl minimum, missing identity card, missing map or GPS, missing streak reflective vest/streak reflex will be penalised with 1 hour added to the total time.
11.) Loss of the control card results in disqualification (DSQ). In case of disqualification the participant is not eligible for any start fee (or part of start fee) reimbursement.
12.) Incorrectly placed race bib (back side of the body, race bib not visible) will be penalised with 15 minutes added to the total time.
13.) The participants are not allowed to throw their rubbish away outside the staffed checkpoints or public waste bins. Throwing away rubbish outside the staffed checkpoints or public waste bins (voluntary act) will be penalised with 1 hour added to the total time.
14.) Penalisation or disqualification will be applied at the place where the violance of a rule(s) was found, or at the next staffed checkpoint in case the participant, who has violated the rule(s), left the checkpoint before applying the penalisation or disqualification. Penalisation or disqualification will be applied by organizer or by authorized volunteer at the checkpoint after telephone consultation with organizer. In case of disqualification the participant is not eligible for any start fee (or part of start fee) reimbursement.
15.) Protest against possible problems in organization or event flow and similar can be applied at finish place 1 hour after the total time limit’s end (until 10. September 2023 12.00 CET latest). Entering a protest is being done direct to the organizers (face-to-face). The condition of entering a protest is a 20 € advance deposit paid. In case the protest will be accepted, the deposit of 20 € will be returned to the participant, in case the protest will be not accepted, the caution forfeitures in organizer’s behoof.
1.) The participants must behave considerate in the nature, they are not allowed to leave the marked tourist paths and the Hriňovská stovka course needlessly.
2.) The participants are not allowed to throw their rubbish away outside the staffed checkpoints or public waste bins.
In terms of the personal protection act nr. 18/2018 the participant agrees through his registration with administration, processing and storage of the personal information required in the registration form by the SLOVAK ULTRA TRAIL association located in Bratislava, Nejedlého 41, 841 02 Bratislava, IČO 42364582, for the purpose of registration for the event Hriňovská stovka, limited by 1 year. After this period the personal information of the participant will be deleted.